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ACCESS NC-A Probes - Standard Non-Contact/Tapping Mode probe, aluminum coated on reflex side

AppNano ACCESS-NC-A probes are sharp silicon probes for tapping / non-contact mode applications that allow a direct optical view of the AFM tip and designed for applications that require seeing the tip as it engages the surface. These probes are nanofabricated using highly doped single crystal silicon with unparalleled reproducibility, robustness and sharpness for consistent high resolution imaging. The reflex side is coated with aluminum.

Tip Specifications

  • Material: Silicon
  • Shape: Triangular Pyramid
  • Height (µm): 14-16
  • Coating: none
  • ROC (nm): 10

Cantilever Specifications

  • Material: Silicon
  • Shape: Rectangular
  • Reflex coating: Al, 50 nm ± 5 nm
  • Alignment Grooves: YES L x W x T: 3.4 mm x 1.6 mm x 315 µm
ParameterNominal ValueMinimum ValueMaximum Value
Spring Constant (N/m)7832169
Frequency (kHz)300200400
Length (µm)150130170
Width (µm)545256
Thickness (µm)
A -鋁反射塗層,SS -超級銳利尖端,TL -無針尖, G -金反射塗層, GG -提示和側面反射塗層金。
Blue  -矽探頭,Red -氮化矽探頭
Application SPM Probe Model Brief Description Cantilever Length (µm) Spring Constant (N/m) Resonance Frequency (kHZ) Options
Tapping/Non-Contact Mode
ACCESS™ Probes Silicon Tapping Mode Tip View Probe
ACL Series Long Cantilever Tapping Mode Probe 225 58 190 A, G, GG, SS, TL
ACST Series Silicon Soft Tapping Mode Probe 150 7.8 150 A, G, GG, SS, TL
ACT Series Silicon Tapping Mode Probe 125 37 300 A, G, GG, SS, TL
FORT Series Force Modulation Mode Probe 225 1.6 61 A, G, GG, SS, TL
HYDRA-All Series Silicon Nitride Probe, V- Shape, Four Cantilever 100, 200 0.292, 0.045, 0.405, 0.081 66, 17, 67,17 G
HYDRA6R-100N Series Silicon Nitride Probe, Rectangular Cantilever 100 0.284 66 G, GG, TL
HYDRA6V-100N Series Silicon Nitride Probe, V- Shape, Narrow Cantilever 100 0.292 66 G, GG, TL
HYDRA6V-100W Series Silicon Nitride Probe, V- Shape, Wide Cantilever 100 0.405 67 G, GG, TL
Nitra-All Series Silicon Nitride Probe, V- Shape, Four Cantilever 100, 200 0.243, 0.041, 0.324, 0.071 48, 14, 51 ,16
Plateau Probes Plateau Tipped Probes
UHF Fast Scanning Series Silicon Non-Contact Mode probe 55 99 1100 None
VScan Series Silicon Nitride Probe, V- Shape 100 0.292 66
Contact Mode
HYDRA4V-100N Series Silicon Nitride, V- Shape, Narrow Cantilever 100 0.088 42 G, GG
HYDRA6R-200N Series Silicon Nitride, Rectangular Cantilever 200 0.035 17 G, GG, TL
HYDRA6V-200N Series Silicon Nitride, V- Shape, Narrow Cantilever 200 0.045 17 G, GG, TL
HYDRA6V-200W Series Silicon Nitride, V- Shape, Wide Cantilever 200 0.081 17 G, GG, TL
Plateau Probes Plateau Tipped Probes
SHOCON Series Short Cantilever Contact Mode probe 225 0.14 21 A, G, GG, SS, TL
SICON Series Silicon Contact Mode probe 450 0.29 15 A, G, GG, SS, TL
Biological Applications
HYDRA-All Series Silicon Nitride Probe, V- Shape, Four Cantilever 100, 200 0.292, 0.045, 0.405, 0.081 66, 17, 67,17 G
HYDRA2R-100N Series Nitride Probe, Rectangular Cantilever 100 0.011 21 G, GG, TL
HYDRA2R-50N Series Nitride Probe, Rectangular Cantilever 50 0.084 77 G, GG, TL
Nitra-All Series Silicon Nitride Probe, V- Shape, Four Cantilever 100, 200 0.243, 0.041, 0.324, 0.071 48, 14, 51 ,16
VScan Series Silicon Nitride Probe, V- Shape 100 0.292 66
Force Modulation
FCL Series 5 Tipless Cantilevers per chip for spring constant calibration 52-442 0.12-77 14-1000 A
FORT Series Force Modulation Mode Probe 225 1.6 61 A, G, GG, SS, TL
Plateau Probes Plateau Tipped Probes
Magnetic Force Imaging MAGT Series Magnetic Coated Probes 225 3 62
Trench Depth Measurement HART Series High Aspect Ratio Silicon Probes 125 37 300 A
Doped Diamond Probes Doped Diamond Probes offers a unique combination of hardness and conducting tip. The tip side of these probes is coated with polycrystalline diamond. The diamond film is in-situ doped with boron to make it highly conducting. The reflex side of the cantilever is coated with Aluminum. These probes are nanofabricated using highly doped single crystal silicon with unparalleled reproducibility and robustness.
ANSCM ANSCM probes are silicon probes with a thin layer of Pt/Ir coating on both the reflex and tip sides of the probes. These probes are ideal for Electrical Force Microscopy (EFM) applications, and are available for use in several different modes.
Ball Probes Ball probes are designed for applications that require hard contact with the sample. The tip apex is created using Electron Beam Deposited high density carbon. It is hemispherical in shape and has an extremely smooth surface. A, G
TAP-TALL Series TAP-TALL probes are specially designed 65 um tall tip probes for profiling high aspect ratio features and deep trenches. Standard probes are only suitable for 10-15 um features.